教師はチャットGPTをどう使う?How to use ChatGPT for teachers




1. テキスト生成の練習


2. 質問応答の練習



3. 自然言語処理のデモンストレーション

4. 対話型教育支援:ChatGPTを使って対話型教育支援を行うこともできます。ChatGPTをプログラムに組み込んで、学生が質問をすると回答を生成するようにすることができます。これにより、学生が自分で考え、問題解決するための支援を提供することができます。ChatGPTを使用して、生徒が日常的に使用する語彙や表現を習得することができます。例えば、ChatGPTが与えたテーマに基づいて、生徒が自由に文章を作成する課題を出すことで、生徒が日常的に使用する語彙を定着させることができます。



This is a spoiler, but ChatGPT wrote this article. I have edited that article slightly. Please read it with that in mind. This content is very well written, isn’t it? Don’t you think you could use it in your work? (Blue underline, human wrote)

There are several ways in which teachers can make use of ChatGPT. Some examples are given below.

1. Text generation practice:
ChatGPT is a language model with excellent capabilities for text generation. Teachers can use ChatGPT as an exercise in text production by students. For example, consider an English class where the teacher asks students to write an essay about a trip. In this case, the students need to write an essay about travel, but they need to have sufficient English language skills to do so. For example, suppose they are given a topic such as ‘about travelling abroad’, ‘about a recommended travel destination’ or ‘about your memories while travelling’. ChatGPT is then used to generate sentences on the given topic; the sentences generated by ChatGPT are presented to the students, who are then encouraged to read them and write their own essays.

In this way, students can practise writing their own writing, using the texts generated by ChatGPT as a reference. Students can also learn how to express themselves in English and use grammar by looking at the sentences generated by ChatGPT.

2. Question and answer practice:
ChatGPT can answer common questions. Teachers can show students ChatGPT answers to pre-prepared questions and allow students to assess them and practise writing their own answers.

For example, consider the case in a history class where the teacher asks students to answer a question about the Second World War. In this case, students should have some knowledge of World War II.

The teacher presents questions about World War II that have been prepared in advance. For example, ‘When did the Second World War begin and end?’ and “What battles took place during World War II?” Such as. ChatGPT is then used to generate answers to the given questions. For example, ‘The Second World War began in 1939 and ended in 1945. During this period, a lot of heavy fighting took place.” For example. The ChatGPT-generated answers are then presented to the students, who are encouraged to evaluate them and write their own answers. Students can check whether the answers generated by ChatGPT are correct and write their own answers.

3. Natural language processing demonstration.:
ChatGPT can be used to help demonstrate the functionality of natural language processing. Teachers can use ChatGPT to demonstrate semantic analysis of sentences, document generation and question answering. For example, following the instruction ‘Make up a word for people who like cats’, ChatGPT can generate the following text. ‘Cats are creatures that soothe the human soul.’ Studies have shown that owning a cat can reduce stress. Perhaps there is something about cats that attracts people who love them.”

4. Interactive educational support:
You can also use ChatGPT to provide interactive educational support – ChatGPT can be integrated into a programme so that students ask a question and it generates an answer. This can provide support for students to think and problem-solve for themselves.ChatGPT can be used to help students acquire vocabulary and expressions that they use on a daily basis. For example, students can consolidate vocabulary that they use on a daily basis by giving them free writing tasks based on themes given by ChatGPT.

There are many different ways in which teachers can utilise ChatGPT. It is important that the teacher chooses the most suitable method according to his or her own aims and objectives.

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