今日はチャット G P Tを授業の準備の際にどのように使っているのかという実践編をシェアしたいと思います。私自身、現地小学生に教えたり、土曜校の中高生をたまにカジュアルで教えたり、はたまた地域で学童を開校したりと様々な年齢、バックグランドを対象にしています。
こんな感じで『 』についての部分を、時事問題とされているキーワードを入れると数秒でこんな素敵な文章を作ってくれます。なかなか3年生レベルで難しい語彙が使われているなーってのが私の感想です。でも、ワードにコピペして漢字にふりがなをつけてあげれば大丈夫だと思ったので、数カ所修正して使う事にしました。そこで思ったのが、クラスには様々なレベルの生徒がいて、ふりがなをつけると語彙を理解できる生徒もいますし、出来ない生徒もいます。それぞれのレベルに合わせる教材も用意するのも先生の仕事(GPT先生)
- 環境問題 (Environmental issues)
- 大気汚染 (Air pollution)
- 水質汚染 (Water pollution)
- 廃棄物 (Waste)
- 健康 (Health)
- 環境保護 (Environmental protection)
- 自転車 (Bicycle)
- エコバッグ (Eco bag)
- 節水 (Water conservation)
- 電気 (Electricity)
- ごみの分別 (Separating garbage)
- リサイクル (Recycling)
- 知識 (Knowledge)
- 持続可能な社会 (Sustainable society)
- 環境問題とは何ですか?
- 環境問題が解決しない場合、何が起こる可能性がありますか?
- 環境保護に貢献する方法はどのようなものがありますか?
- 環境保護に貢献することがなぜ重要だと言えますか?
- 環境保護について学ぶことがなぜ重要だと言えますか?
- 環境問題とは、人間が自然環境に悪影響を与えている問題であり、大気汚染や水質汚染、廃棄物の増加などが挙げられます。
- 環境問題が解決しない場合、私たちの健康や生活に悪い影響が出てきます。例えば、病気やアレルギーの発生、水や空気の汚染による健康被害、災害の発生などが挙げられます。
- 環境保護に貢献する方法は、自転車や徒歩での移動、エコバッグの持参、節水や電気の無駄使いの削減など、日々の生活の中でできる小さなことがたくさんあります。また、ごみの分別やリサイクル、地球に優しい製品の選択も環境保護につながります。
- 環境保護に貢献することは、私たち自身や未来の世代のために必要なことです。私たちが環境を大切にすることで、健康的な生活環境を維持し、自然環境を守り、地球規模の問題に取り組むことができます。
- 環境保護について学ぶことは、環境問題に対する理解を深め、自分たちができることや、今後の環境保護に向けた取り組みを考えることができます。環境問題に対する認識が高まることで、社会的な問題としての環境保護に対する取り組みが進むことにつながります。
I would like to share a practical example of how I use ChatGPT to prepare for my lessons. I teach students of various ages and backgrounds, including local primary school students, occasional casual lessons for junior high and high school students at Saturday schools, and even run an after-school program for children in my community.
ChatGPT is a really useful tool, and today I’ll introduce how I used it to create teaching resources for middle school students who were born in Australia but grew up in a Japanese environment. Assuming you already have an account with OpenAI and have used ChatGPT before, I’ll proceed with the discussion.
I input instructions in the box at the bottom of the page, which is called a prompt.
Prompt: Please create a 500-word article on environmental issues at a level understandable to a third-grade primary school student.
I chose third-grade level because most students who grew up in Australia can read kanji at this level.
In just a few seconds, ChatGPT finishes the job.
Environmental issues are problems that are caused by human impact on the natural environment. Examples of these problems include air and water pollution, and increasing waste. If these issues are not resolved, they will have negative impacts on our health and daily lives.
There are many ways in which we can contribute to environmental protection. For example, we can use bicycles or walk instead of driving, bring eco-bags, conserve water and reduce unnecessary use of electricity in our daily lives. Sorting garbage, recycling, and choosing environmentally-friendly products can also contribute to environmental protection.
It is important to learn about the environment in schools and at home. By understanding environmental issues, we can think about what we can do and what initiatives we can take for future environmental protection.
Environmental issues are necessary problems not only for ourselves but also for future generations. Let’s start from what each of us can do to value the environment and build a sustainable society.
In this way, by inserting keywords related to current events into the brackets, GPT can create a wonderful article in just a few seconds. My impression is that the vocabulary used is quite difficult for a 3rd grade level. However, I thought that it would be okay if I copied and pasted the words into a word processor and added furigana to the kanji, so I made a few modifications and decided to use it. Then, I realised that there are students of various levels in the class, and some students can understand the vocabulary if furigana is provided, while others cannot. It is also the teacher’s job to prepare teaching materials that match each student’s level (with the help of GPT). Therefore, I entered the following prompt:
“Select keywords from this article, list them and provide their English translations.”
- 環境問題 (Environmental issues)
- 大気汚染 (Air pollution)
- 水質汚染 (Water pollution)
- 廃棄物 (Waste)
- 健康 (Health)
- 環境保護 (Environmental protection)
- 自転車 (Bicycle)
- エコバッグ (Eco bag)
- 節水 (Water conservation)
- 電気 (Electricity)
- ごみの分別 (Separating garbage)
- リサイクル (Recycling)
- 知識 (Knowledge)
- 持続可能な社会 (Sustainable society)
Wonderful, I got this in just a few seconds. Now that child can understand the article on their own. At that moment I thought, I need to prepare the next task for the high-achieving group… GPT teacher!
Prompt: “Create five questions from this article.”
What is an environmental issue?
What are the potential consequences if environmental issues are not resolved?
What are some ways to contribute to environmental protection?
Why is contributing to environmental protection important?
Why is it important to learn about environmental protection?
Wow, that’s amazing. Let’s ask more….
Prompt: “Please answer the following questions based on the previous text after understanding it.”
- What are environmental issues? Environmental issues are problems caused by humans that have a negative impact on the natural environment, such as air pollution, water pollution, and increased waste.
- What are the potential consequences if environmental issues are not resolved? If environmental issues are not resolved, there could be negative impacts on our health and daily life. For example, there could be an increase in diseases or allergies, health damage caused by pollution of water and air, and the occurrence of disasters.
- What are some ways to contribute to environmental protection? There are many small actions we can take in our daily lives to contribute to environmental protection, such as using a bicycle or walking instead of driving, bringing eco-bags, reducing water usage and avoiding wasting electricity. Also, separating waste and recycling, and selecting environmentally friendly products can contribute to environmental protection.
- Why is it important to contribute to environmental protection? Contributing to environmental protection is necessary for ourselves and for future generations. By valuing the environment, we can maintain a healthy living environment, protect natural habitats, and tackle global issues.
- Why is it important to learn about environmental protection? Learning about environmental protection can deepen our understanding of environmental issues, help us identify what we can do, and encourage us to consider initiatives for future environmental protection efforts. Increased awareness and understanding of environmental issues can lead to greater social action and progress towards environmental protection as a societal issue.
Wow, the use of infinity is already imaginable. Since all the text is compatible with most languages, you can change the language with a prompt that says “Please change it to (language name)” and it will output the same content.
It’s really helpful. I’ve been getting along well with GPT-Sensei recently. I’m looking forward to getting to know each other more. Am I the only one who thinks that AI teaching and team teaching have started recently?