学校の先生が自分の親!School teachers are their own parents






The title explains the content of the blog. This may not happen often in Japan. The primary school I work at is public, so cross-border enrollment is basically not allowed. This means that if the teacher lives in the catchment area where the school is located, then of course the teacher’s children will attend that school.

In the Japanese context, they would probably choose a place to live looking to the future so that they can avoid the school where they work and the school where their child attends. As a result, I have taught the children of many colleagues. If I get along well with them, we have coffee and shop around after work. And since my colleague’s children come with me, we have coffee or go shopping together: me, my colleague, and my students.

The school also takes this into consideration when the classes form at the beginning of the school year so that parents won’t teach their own children. I guess this is not so common and not something you have heard in Japan, though it may happen in the countryside.

Of course, there is an exception to this rule. My colleague does not live in the school catchment district. When her daughter started primary school, she made arrangements for her daughter to cross the border to the school where she works and commutes to work and school together every morning in the car. There is no group school attendance or dismissal, so basically, an adult takes the child to and from school. If both parents are working, it becomes more difficult to pick up and drop off the children, so I guess the school takes this into consideration and makes an exception.

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