海外小学生にひらがなを教える②Teaching Hiragana to Primary students②


Continuing from the previous post, here is a summary of the key points to consider when teaching Hiragana letters to primary students.

パート①では導入部分。今回のパート②では、小学生にひらがなを体系的に教える方法を紹介します。Part 1 was an introduction. In this Part 2, I will show you how to teach Hiragana to lower primary students in a systematic way.

It is easy to teach up to the first stroke of Hiragana, but it becomes a little more complicated from the second stroke. There are some difficult 2 strokes of Hiragana letters.

Hiragana stroke colour coded chart at the end of this post)

め ぬ 
れ わ ね  

When I teach them, I make up stories to make them easy to remember.

め ぬ →これらは兄弟。左から次男、長男。
These are brothers. From left to right: younger brother, older brother.

れ わ ね →これらは三姉妹。左から三女、次女、長女。
These are three sisters. From left to right: third, second and first sister.

By adding familiar concepts and stories to the Hiragana letters, these unfamiliar letters can be integrated into the child’s perspective of the world and remain in his or her mind.

「め」は弟でたくさん食べて大きくなったら、お兄ちゃんになってボールで遊べる「ぬ」になる。When “Me” grows up, he will become a big brother “Nu” and be able to play with a ball.

When “Re” eats a lot more and grows bigger, she becomes “Wa” and when she grows up, even more, she becomes “Ne” then can play with a ball.

And when adults hear this story, ????? What is it?
The story makes you wonder, but the child listens with a sparkle in his or her eyes. And that moment, they can relate it to their own world so they can remember it.


Of course, the class gets sidetracked.
They say things like, “I have a younger sister, so I’m a ‘ne’.
I’m a little brother, so I’ll be “Nu”…” and so on.
Then, this weekend is my brother’s birthday…
I don’t have any siblings,” etc. (In this case, the special is emphasized by giving examples such as “A, F, Na,” which have no similar hiragana characters).

And so it goes on. Since this is an intro, it is OK if the students remember that Hiragana letters are big family by the next lesson.

It’s a simple method, but isn’t it more fun than learning mechanically?
Since I specialise in early childhood education, I have always wanted to teach with the motto of “learning through play” and practice it on a daily basis.

Brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc., all family members perform to learn hiragana. After all, hiragana is a big family.
Happy end.

ひらがな大家族(番外編)Hiragana Big Family (Extra)
『し、つ』『く、へ』『い、こ』→双子 Twins
『い、り』『た、に』『う、つ』『は、ほ』→いとこ Cousins
『ろ』『る』→姉妹 Sisters/Brothers
『あ、ふ、ゆ、日、背、な、み』→ 一人っ子ちゃん Only child

ひらがな筆順カラーフリーダウンロード。Free Hiragana stroke colour coded material download.

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