私が教えるクラスでは週に一度程、アクティビティーの合間やBrain breakの時にラジオ体操をします。YouTubeにも色んな動画がありますね。生徒も楽しんでやってます。
生徒はキンディーの頃からやっているので、音楽が流れるとササッと広がってスペースを確保し動画に合わせて始めます。私も一緒にやってます。大人になってからラジオ体操をすると、まあ上手く考えて作られた運動だな〜って改めて思います。これって全身運動ですよね。私にとっても頭と体がリフレッシュ出来るこのラジオ体操の時間がとても貴重です。授業開始の際は瞑想でスタートし、終わりをラジオ体操で終わる。心と体のバランスを考えた授業構成って理想ですね。(投稿→授業開始前のメディテーション Meditation before class starts)
Japanese National Exercise
Everyone knows about radio exercise.
When you hear that music, your body starts to do the exercises on its own.
In the classes I teach, we do it about once a week between activities or during brain breaks. There are many videos on YouTube. Students also enjoy doing it. (Please scroll up to see the video of the class scene doing the radio exercises)
My students have been doing the Radio exercise since Kindy, so when the music comes on, they quickly spread out and get their space and start in time with the video. I do it with them. As an adult, when I do radio exercises, I am impressed by how well thought out and designed the exercise is. This is a full-body workout. For me, too, this time of radio exercise is very precious, as it refreshes my brain and body. I start the class with meditation and end it with radio exercises. A lesson structure that balances the mind and body is ideal, isn’t it? (Post → Meditation before class starts)
There are many videos on YouTube, so why don’t you all make it part of your class routine?
First, if you want to brush up on your radio exercise skills!
You could start with the Facebook “Righteous Radio Exercise Club” that I was part of during the lock down!
Or make it your own morning routine!
Continuity is power!
Here’s the video I use for my classes.